People of the Earth, Take Back Your Motherland! Peace on Earth, Begins with TRUTH! Peace on Earth, Begins with RE-BIRTH!

Sunday 27 November 2011

"Be the Change You Want to See" - Learning Journal

be the change you want to see

our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...your playing small does not serve the world.
-marianne williamson

My peak experiences these last 27 years, right up until this present moment as you read this, (and into my future) have spiraled around being the change that I want to see in this world - living the change I want to see.

Being present and embodying through constant action in daily life the merging of my core ethics of earth and nature care, people care and fair share of the good, has been the island of joy, relief, refuge and rejuvenation upon which my life has only briefly rested these last 10 conscious years - Permaculture has been the grounded quantum solution in between the matrix of my other creations.  Excitement, fulfillment and trust are the feelings that I experience when permaculture focused action learning experiences and living in nature are front and center as the foundation from which I engage and interact with the world of matter and life. 
Year by year and decade by decade, growing through the branches of my own happiness and satisfaction and through the roots of my devotion to harmony, I want to provide nourishment and encouragement to others who wish to be the change that they themselves’ want to see in this world. I have a great appreciation for the diverse cornucopia of passions, skills and depth of culture within our millions of local and global active world changers - this diversity gives me permission to fully allow myself to dive into the unique niches that activates my fullest expression. 
Strangely it has taken me a remarkably long time to have the courage and confidence to claim for my own a daily life and practice of living that change I want to see and be . Each learning experience of my past has led me to this same discovery that I find myself recovering this day - the highlights of my life can be summarized by the words Permaculture Transformative Action Learning (PTAL): Timely, unexpectedly healing, invaluable... Full of surprises, lessons, learnings and unlearnings beyond the wild curls of my imaginings ... and yet even though I am a dreamer by day of great and beautiful things ... simple and brilliant wonders...PTAL still surprises me!!

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